German Dictionary

Translation of Katastrophe

die Katastrophe the catastrophe    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Nach der Katastrophe regierte Chaos die Straßen von New Orleans.

After the catastrophe chaos was governing the streets of New Orleans.
Das Ausmaß der Katastrophe ist schwer einzuschätzen. The magnitude of the disaster is difficult to grasp.
Katastrophe; Desaster; Fiasko disaster
Umwälzung, Katastrophe cataclysm
Katastrophe, Unglück2 misfortune

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Now I needed to decide where to go next and I decided to use the information that the girl gave me. I went back into town to the central station and booked a night bus to a place called Palenque.
Thanks for the tip: We will add a lesson on colours! About the topical lessons around the home: Do you have specific words that you think should be added? It will take a while until we upload the new version.
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