German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Das teure Pergamentpapier musste aus Japan importiert werden. |
The expensive parchment had to be imported from Japan. |
Wir sahen uns einen Film über die Überlebenden des Erdbebens in Japan an. | We watched a film about the survivors of the earthquake in Japan. |
Es gibt mehr fettleibige Teenager in den USA als in Japan. | There are more obese teenagers in the U.S. than in Japan. |
Japan/die Japaner | Japan/the Japanese |
In this poem there is not any movement, it is only a snapshot of life, it means it is a picture, almost dead, as there is no movement at all. And this is the reason why the poem seems to be calming.
It can also be directed against a group of people who have anything in common, such as religion or being from the same nation. Being that it gives one the fake feeling of superiority and self-confidence.
We paid for the taxi and waited thirty minutes for the driver to arrive. Again, Argentina reminded me of Italy. We drove into town and were looking for a place. The town made a great first impression.
It can also be directed against a group of people who have anything in common, such as religion or being from the same nation. Being that it gives one the fake feeling of superiority and self-confidence.
We paid for the taxi and waited thirty minutes for the driver to arrive. Again, Argentina reminded me of Italy. We drove into town and were looking for a place. The town made a great first impression.