German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Um seine Herrschaft wiederherzustellen benutzte König Paul hinterhältige Methoden. |
To restore his reign, King Paul used sneaky methods. |
Während Königin Majas Herrschaft bewachten Flamingos den Palast. | During Queen Maja's reign, flamingos guarded the palace. |
die Regierung; die Herrschaft | the governance |
Herrschaft; Unterdrückerisch | oppressive |
Eigenstaatlichkeit; Herrschaft | sovereignty |

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Maybe we would need to say install our dictionary as a software? But I would say instead of install, use our dictionary as a software. So bottom line. If I use the singular form for newsletters and websites, I am on the safe side for both?
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Maybe we would need to say install our dictionary as a software? But I would say instead of install, use our dictionary as a software. So bottom line. If I use the singular form for newsletters and websites, I am on the safe side for both?
Italian is a beautiful language, everyone says so. Why do YOU learn Italian? What do you want to know about the Italian language? I can help you to learn Italian and Spanish, for me this would be a great honor.
Most common translations:
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of reign [ reigned, reigned ] |