German Dictionary

Translation of fortsetzen in German-English

fortsetzen to continue    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Wir bedauern es, den Sprachkurs aufgrund von zeitlichen Problemen nicht fortsetzen zu können.

We regret not being able to continue the language course due to time problems.
etwas fortsetzen maintain sth; assert sth; claim sth
fortfahren, fortsetzen to continue
fortsetzen /weitergehen continue
Fortsetzen Continuation/ Sequel
Fortsetzen continue

Not be able to perceive the real important things in the world and in life in general. First I want to explain my opinion by mentioning the superficial newscoverage that is currently happening here.
The vehicle turned west towards the countryside and drove on Route MEX186 towards Escargera and then southwards. I fell asleep soon and had a very bad sleep, as it was colder than I had imagined.
After a short guided tour we came back to pick up our luggage and left to the airport. When the airplane took off it was already dark outside. We were surprised about the airline's good condition and service.
Most common translations: fesseln    etwas vergessen    erneuerbar    entsprechen    elementar    einlassen    ehelich    dreiundvierzig    desaströs    chronologisch   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of fortsetzen
setze fort  setzt fort  setzt fort  setzen fort  setzt fort  setzen fort  setzte fort  setztest fort  setzte fort  setzten fort  setztet fort  setzten fort     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of continue   [ continued, continued ]