German Dictionary

Translation of erwecken

erwecken to awake    

Translation by Vocabulix


in Erinnerung rufen; zurückbringen; wieder erwecken bring back
einen Eindruck erwecken to make an impression
anregen; begeistern; erwecken inspire
anregen; erwecken to excite

A bystander who watched the entire scene all the time decided to help me. He was an older man, around seventy, but nonetheless he went to the oldest of these kids and slapped him. The boy was sixteen.
We begin to think about the information that we receive and we might fabricate our own wrong perceptions about others unless we are willing to become more familiar with these topics by investigating further.
I boarded the AA flight to Cancun, and got there around two o'clock. It was my first time in Mexico. On the same night I had a flight booked to Havana, but I did not know whether I should take it.
Lately viewed by others: erheben    entjungfert    einundvierzig    eingeklemmt    durchweg    dominieren    deklinieren    bummeln    bissig    bestätigen   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erwecken
erwecke  erweckst  erweckt  erwecken  erweckt  erwecken  erweckte  erwecktest  erweckte  erweckten  erwecktet  erweckten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of awake   [ awaked, awaked ]