German Dictionary

Translation of Erbstück

das Erbstück the heirloom    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Dieser Ring ist ein Erbstück, das ich auf keinen Fall verkaufen möchte.

This ring is an heirloom I definitely don't want to sell.

I have started learning only one month ago, that was during the summer holidays, I want to go to Canada for three weeks and then participate in a course. I hope that I will improve it more or less.
He was educated as Roman Catholic, converted to Evangelism after he married her and he raised his son and daughters by the Muslim faith. They develop skills, make you get used to it, and when you are into it, whoosh, they disappear at once.
So you are getting used to write in Spanish. But I think you should not worry, as your Spanish is good and you understand everything. You'll enjoy it a lot, once you meet new people who speak it.
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