German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Die Warnung kam zu spät, denn sie konnten dem Sturm nicht mehr entkommen. |
The warning came too late because they could not escape the storm. |
Als Kelly sah, dass die Vogelspinne entkommen war, schrie sie. | When Kelly saw that the tarantula had escaped, she screamed. |
Der Mann, der aus dem Gefängnis entkam ist aggressiv bis mordlustig. | The man who escaped from prison is aggressive, verging on homicidal. |

A bystander who watched the entire scene all the time decided to help me. He was an older man, around seventy, but nonetheless he went to the oldest of these kids and slapped him. The boy was sixteen.
In addition, I want to inform you that I found a possibility to deliver a more Spanish lessons from Vocabulix. To my knowledge, the lessons are excellent and a great base for the Spanish training.
I had to fly to Switzerland very urgently on Sunday, now I am back. Anyway, attached is a newsletter that will be sent to the users of Vocabulix. Should there be any changes, it would be nice.
In addition, I want to inform you that I found a possibility to deliver a more Spanish lessons from Vocabulix. To my knowledge, the lessons are excellent and a great base for the Spanish training.
I had to fly to Switzerland very urgently on Sunday, now I am back. Anyway, attached is a newsletter that will be sent to the users of Vocabulix. Should there be any changes, it would be nice.
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bitten um
German Verbs | Present | Past | ||
Conjugation of entkommen [bin entkommen] |
entkomme entkommst entkommt entkommen entkommt entkommen | entkam entkamst entkam entkamen entkamt entkamen | ||
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of escape [ escaped, escaped ] |