German Dictionary

Translation of entbinden

entbinden to give birth; to release    ; to discharge    ; to disengage    

Translation by Vocabulix


entbinden; liefern; überbringen deliver

It means a lot to me to participate and meet other people in this Internet forum. I'll know later if I can move my appointment in order to get together with our visitors from Canada.
I've been working on and off on the dictionary during the entire week, and I'll spend some more hours on it this coming weekend. Sometimes he would get a bit mixed up and use formal Castilian sometimes instead of informal.
I play the flute, but in recent years, I had no time. My granddaughter will give birth in 2 weeks and I will be great-grandmother. But I am only 70 years old. I hope that does not scare you.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of discharge   [ discharged, discharged ]
Conjugation of release   [ released, released ]