German Dictionary

Translation of endlich

endlich finite    ; limited    ; eventually    ; at last

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Nach sechs Wochen auf See war der Seemann begeistert, den Scheich endlich zu sehen.

After six weeks at sea, the sailor was thrilled to finally meet the sheik.
Endlich wurde die Bürgschaft für das neue Haus von der Bank bewilligt. Finally the bond for the new house has been approved by the bank.
Endlich wusste er die Antwort auf das Rätsel. Finally, he knew the answer to the puzzle.
schließlich und endlich eventually, finally
mindestens; schließlich; endlich at least
schließlich,endlich last week
endlich, schließlich finally
endlich, schließlich at last
schließlich, endlich at last
endlich; schliesslich eventually
endlich, zuletzt at last
Na endlich. At last.

A bystander who watched the entire scene all the time decided to help me. He was an older man, around seventy, but nonetheless he went to the oldest of these kids and slapped him. The boy was sixteen.
I can send them by mail or bring them in person. I'll be happy to join the trial and help you. The download of the language files may take 30 seconds and the screen is blank during that time.
We returned before dusk, as we were afraid of not finding our ship in the dark. Once on the ship we decided to go for night swimming again in the open ocean. A few women on little boats approached us.
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