German Dictionary

Translation of Eltern

die Eltern  the parents     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
In der Ukraine hatten ihre Eltern als Lehrer gearbeitet.

In Ukraine, her parents worked as teachers.
Die Fähigkeit mancher Kinder, die Gefühle ihrer Eltern zu erkennen ist unheimlich. Some children's ability to sense their parents' emotions is uncanny.
Sehnsüchtig träumte Evelin von einer Weihnachtsreise nach Bath mit ihren beiden Eltern. Wishfully, Evelyn dreamed of a Christmas trip to Bath with both her parents.
Ein-Eltern-Familie lone-parent family; single-parent family
hingebungsvolle Eltern devoted parents
leiblichen Eltern natural parents
der Elter, Eltern the parent(s)
Die Eltern Parents
Eltern parents

Since Joseph is convinced of the coming success, he suggests to leave the machine in Canada for another 2 months (at no cost of course!). I think that they learned a lot through your project.
Certainly, in a healthy mind, these feelings should not arise from bad thoughts. Not only the thought but also the reaction which arises and develops from this thinking is racism. Do you understand?
Your offer seems interesting to me. The language exchange is one of my future projects, so that we will contact you later when I am ready to discuss the ways and possibilities of learning together.
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