German Dictionary

The mothers of my girlfriends were so insulted when I never wanted to eat their food. I mean, in the beginning they liked me, but once the saw my eating habits everything changed. I guess I blew it.
She found it very unromantic that a man would not declare friendship to a woman. Anyway, after an hour or so they got off at a town called Chetumal which was on the border with Belize, where they lived.
We went to eat dinner with the Dutch couple in a Sea food restaurant highly recommended in our Lonely Planet Travel Guide Book. It was OK, but we had a great time with our friends.
She found it very unromantic that a man would not declare friendship to a woman. Anyway, after an hour or so they got off at a town called Chetumal which was on the border with Belize, where they lived.
We went to eat dinner with the Dutch couple in a Sea food restaurant highly recommended in our Lonely Planet Travel Guide Book. It was OK, but we had a great time with our friends.
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