German Dictionary

Translation of durchwühlen

durchwühlen to ransack    

Translation by Vocabulix


Let me know how we can proceed and how I could help you further. I am looking forward to share lessons and maybe meet you in person in Singapore one day. Kind regards to you and your wife.
She found it very unromantic that a man would not declare friendship to a woman. Anyway, after an hour or so they got off at a town called Chetumal which was on the border with Belize, where they lived.
The sun rose quickly and my images did not come out too impressive. Nevertheless, it was nice to sit on the boats roof by oneself and enjoy the quietness of the dawn in these calm waters of the Bay.
Lately viewed by others: doof    dekorieren    bunt    bitten    bestürzt    beneidenswert    begeistern    außergewöhnlich    auskommen    aufrunden   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of durchwühlen
durchwühle  durchwühlst  durchwühlt  durchwühlen  durchwühlt  durchwühlen  durchwühlte  durchwühltest  durchwühlte  durchwühlten  durchwühltet  durchwühlten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of ransack   [ ransacked, ransacked ]