German Dictionary

Translation of durchaus

durchaus absolutely    ; by all means

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der begabte Koch überzeugte mich davon, dass Lachs und Mais durchaus kompatibel waren.

The talented chef convinced me that corn and salmon were actually compatible.
Das ist durchaus die interessanteste Landschaft im ganzen Naturpark. This is absolutely the most interesting scenery in the entire nature park.
durchaus, unbedingt; zwangsläufig necessarily
durchaus absolutely; perfectly possible
durchaus; gründlich throughly

Do you want to proceed with entering more words or do you want to wait for the new design. For me, both options are ok. You could add the language in parenthesis after the sentence. We'll see within one week those we really need.
If you press the RED X button, you are deleting that word and it will reappear during the translation phase. The X-button appears in the list only after you press 'show my words' and sorry for the delay in answering.
You need to call before you leave... When there is good weather outside all restaurants open outside and the people sit in the sun, eat and drink. The lake is also very romantic in the late night.
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