German Dictionary

Translation of beschränken

beschränken to limit    ; to restrict    

Translation by Vocabulix


beschränken auf to confine to
beschränken to restrict
beschränken to confine

Not only will the trip be a success for LIF but for many students it will be a great experience too. We do not care about the stories about us which have been published during the last few months.
Let me summarize our meeting from Sunday, please give me feedback if something is unclear. I will send you the study material, including lessons and vocabulary lists to ensure the accuracy of training.
She was a very cute twenty six year old woman from the area, had a perfect English and could be understood well. She told us to put on good shoes and we started walking towards the valley.
People also searched for: beispielsweise    bedeckt    ausspannen    ausbuhen    aufeinander folgend    anspruchsvoll    anfertigen    agil    abschneiden    abdanken   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of beschränken
beschränke  beschränkst  beschränkt  beschränken  beschränkt  beschränken  beschränkte  beschränktest  beschränkte  beschränkten  beschränktet  beschränkten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of limit   [ limited, limited ]
Conjugation of restrict   [ restricted, restricted ]