German Dictionary

Translation of beruhigen

beruhigen to calm    
beruhigen to reassure    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Frisches Gebäck beruhigte stets die Nerven der Baronin.

Fresh pastry always soothed the baroness's nerves.
Als sich die Herde beruhigte, machte ich ein Lagerfeuer. When the herd settled down, I made a campfire.
Wenn Ellen die Psalmen sang, beruhigte es das Kleinkind. When Ellen sang the psalms, in soothed the infant.
sich niederlassen; sich setzen; sich beruhigen settle
beteuern; (nochmals) versichern; beruhigen reassure
jmdn. beruhigen; jmdn beschwichtigen to reassure so.
(sich) abkühlen; sich beruhigen to cool down
beruhigen to calm down; to put at rest
beruhigen (mit Wörter) calm down
beruhigen, versichern to reassure
beruhigen; versichern to reassure
jemanden beruhigen calm sb down

Not only will the trip be a success for LIF but for many students it will be a great experience too. We do not care about the stories about us which have been published during the last few months.
Please postpone by three days to one week. I am abroad, and Loraine can't come with the baby. We are available from august 31 until September 23 (except September 16) where we have other commitments.
To be honest, we did not understand one word of what he was saying, because his English was so terrible. Or maybe it wasn't and it was only his accent which we could not grasp. To us it was Chinese.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of beruhigen
beruhige  beruhigst  beruhigt  beruhigen  beruhigt  beruhigen  beruhigte  beruhigtest  beruhigte  beruhigten  beruhigtet  beruhigten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of calm   [ calmed, calmed ]