German Dictionary

Translation of beige

das Beige the beige    
beige beige    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Das beige Getränk schmeckte nach Mandeln und Vanille.

The beige beverage tasted of almonds and vanilla.

What steered the little fly to the plant? Naturally, we do not know the answer. The human being cannot understand nature because he is part of it, he is inside it. Therefore he cannot judge objectively.
These are the guys who need to be blames. They are primitive, ignorant, selfish and they appear to me as thought they are confined in their ideas. They cannot think outside the box for even once.
On the way back I remember watching a Diego Armando Maradona movie in the car's portable DVD player. He was praised as a Saint in this movie. I took it as a good preparation of thing ahead in Buenos Aires.
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