German Dictionary

Translation of beglückwünschen

beglückwünschen to congratulate    

Translation by Vocabulix


beglückwünschen congratulate

On the way, there were a lot of beautiful, colored trees. Having arrived in a tiny village called Harvard, we got out of the car and walked through the streets. We were very lucky and I will tell you why.
These are the guys who need to be blames. They are primitive, ignorant, selfish and they appear to me as thought they are confined in their ideas. They cannot think outside the box for even once.
Although the travel guide book mentioned a three star hotel we did not even had to enter the lobby in order to see that we would not sleep there. So we picked another recommendation and drove on.
People also searched for: baggern    ausliefern    aufschlitzen    arisch    anlaufen    ambivalent    abwesend    abhängen von    Zwischensumme    Zugbrücke   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of beglückwünschen
beglückwünsche  beglückwünschst  beglückwünscht  beglückwünschen  beglückwünscht  beglückwünschen  beglückwünschte  beglückwünschtest  beglückwünschte  beglückwünschten  beglückwünschtet  beglückwünschten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of congratulate   [ congratulated, congratulated ]