German Dictionary

Translation of begegnen

begegnen to meet    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Ich war dankbar, dass ich dem Vielfraß nicht ein zweites Mal begegnete.

I was thankful not to encounter the wolverine a second time.
In Ungarn begegneten wir einem mürrischen alten Mann und einer freundlichen jungen Frau. We met a grumpy old men and a friendly young woman in Hungary.
Während dieser Expedition begegneten wir vielen wunderlich aussehenden Tieren. During this expedition we encountered many bizarre-looking animals.
konfrontieren; gegenüberstellen; begegnen confront
begegnen to meet (accidentally); bump into; run into
einem Problem begegnen encounter a problem

Although it is very cold, I love the fresh air there. After an hour and after finishing the getting dressed in warm winter-clothes I am usually ready for skiing. Normally I like to go out early.
These are the guys who need to be blames. They are primitive, ignorant, selfish and they appear to me as thought they are confined in their ideas. They cannot think outside the box for even once.
I was surprised that he charged 5 dollars extra (a total of fifteen instead of ten), because he had to take us to three different locations. I did not buy the whole thing and gave him ten bucks.
People also searched for: außer Atem    aushändigen    aufregend    arbeitslos    anhänglich    allzu    abtöten    abgrundtief    Zwieback    Zufahrt   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of begegnen
[bin begegnet]
begegne  begegnest  begegnet  begegnen  begegnet  begegnen  begegnete  begegnetest  begegnete  begegneten  begegnetet  begegneten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of meet   [ met, met ]