German Dictionary

Translation of anführen

anführen to lead    ; to head    

Translation by Vocabulix


argumentieren; streiten; Gründe anführen to argue
eine Armee anführen lead an army
anführen; fahren nach to head
anführen; leiten to conduct
zitieren, anführen to quote
anführen, zitieren to cite
führen, anführen lead
anführen; angeben to quote
leiten; anführen (to) head

Do you think it would be good to put a regional box near each translation [optional of course]? That means a translator can check countries if it is only used there. Regional differences appear in all languages.
I want to study either computer science or do an MBA. I love to programm and I am doing it a lot, although I am very impatient sometimes. I also like math, but I hate writting long letters.
I live right next to Montpellier, in a small town near the coast, in France. I have no children and I'm learning Spanish because I like foreign languages. I learn vocabulary and grammar. Vocabulix helps me a lot.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of head   [ headed, headed ]
Conjugation of lead   [ led, led ]