German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Sie hat einen Hang dazu, neugierig zu sein und im Leben Anderer herumzuschnüffeln. |
She has a tendency to pry and to nose around in other people's life. |
sich unterscheiden; anderer Meinung sein | to differ |
ein anderer; eine andere; weitere | another |
andere/anderer/anderes | different |

Before I continue, I want to reiterate that Hugo's software is intended for learning processes which must result in high quality product in short learning time. It also reaches minimum overhead time.
The woman has to decide if she wants to carry the baby or to have an abortion. She is a victim of her own situation, suffering restlessly and thinking continuously about her unwanted pregnancy.
We have cut the description though, since it was too long. However, we would like to change the description again, by adding a geographic spot in it or telling the user that it is E-learning.
The woman has to decide if she wants to carry the baby or to have an abortion. She is a victim of her own situation, suffering restlessly and thinking continuously about her unwanted pregnancy.
We have cut the description though, since it was too long. However, we would like to change the description again, by adding a geographic spot in it or telling the user that it is E-learning.