German Dictionary

Translation of Affäre

die Affäre the affair    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Hausmeister war ihre Vertrauensperson und wusste über all ihre Affären bescheid.

The porter was her confident and knew about all her affairs.
Affäre; Geschäft; Angelegenheit affair
Affäre, Angelegenheit affair

Hans was not in the office for 4 days. I informed him that it is urgent and asked him to send it by tomorrow morning. I'll do my best that you receive it as early as possible. Trust me on that.
I have been there once for vacation, but I was too little. It was twelve years ago, when I was still a child. I went there with mom and dad and all I cared about is beach and sand, no culture.
About the accents: This is not a mistake, it is on purpose. Please note that in Spanish some words have accents when asked in a question (I.e que, porque, qui...). Pay attention to the question mark.
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