German Dictionary
Yesterday, I heard a very good example to explain my point: On their journey more than ten years ago, the presidential couple Mr. and Mrs. Clinton visited Egypt. They were welcomed by the president.
In my last email to you i suggested that everyone has a tiny bit of racism in himself, not necessarily much, but definetely a little. Unfortunately, in this case, the information we get is wrong.
El calafate airport was a mess. The airport was as big as a hotel lobby, but packed with people and all the luggage came at the same time in the same place. An officer checked the baggage receipt to avoid theft.
In my last email to you i suggested that everyone has a tiny bit of racism in himself, not necessarily much, but definetely a little. Unfortunately, in this case, the information we get is wrong.
El calafate airport was a mess. The airport was as big as a hotel lobby, but packed with people and all the luggage came at the same time in the same place. An officer checked the baggage receipt to avoid theft.
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