Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: Los gargarismos con sal disuelta en agua te ayudarán a aliviarte el dolor de garganta. |
Gargling with salt dissolved in water will help relieve your sore throat. |
El médico le dio un antibiótico para la infección de garganta. | The doctor gave him an antibiotic for his throat infection. |
Mi hijita es propensa a las infecciones de garganta. | My little daughter is prone to throat infections. |

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My experience at Vocabulix has been great. I really think that this site has helped me a lot in improving my Spanish language skills. I believe that I could learn here several other languages.
She started to walk with us and one could observe that she had lost some of the naivity many children have, due to the fact that she started to be a sales person long before she reached twelve.
My experience at Vocabulix has been great. I really think that this site has helped me a lot in improving my Spanish language skills. I believe that I could learn here several other languages.
She started to walk with us and one could observe that she had lost some of the naivity many children have, due to the fact that she started to be a sales person long before she reached twelve.
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