Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: La Tierra es parte de la galaxia llamada Vía Láctea. |
The Earth is part of the galaxy called the Milky Way. |

The entire American mass media is now focusing on this event after Monday night's Halloween disaster, in which two people were accused. Only nine others will participate in the coming season.
Anyway, there were no direct connections between here and Yucatan, so that I needed to drive to another city, around 2 hours by coach. That being said, I wanted to enjoy and relax up here a little more.
Also, I must say, that if you do not like our vocabulary lessons, you could create your own vocabulary lessons and share these lessons with students. You can use the platform for free with your own lessons!!!
Anyway, there were no direct connections between here and Yucatan, so that I needed to drive to another city, around 2 hours by coach. That being said, I wanted to enjoy and relax up here a little more.
Also, I must say, that if you do not like our vocabulary lessons, you could create your own vocabulary lessons and share these lessons with students. You can use the platform for free with your own lessons!!!