Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: Él es un hombre muy trabajador y trabaja mucho para mantener a su familia. |
He is a hardworking man and works a lot to maintain his family. |
Su familia es dueña de una gran plantación de algodón en Alabama. | His family owns a big cotton plantation in Alabama. |
La familia recibió al estudiante de intercambio de Argentina con cálida hospitalidad. | The family received the exchange student from Argentina with warm hospitality. |

We do not see the spider eating the moth, we only see a yellow spider sitting on a red flower holding a brown moth. But we know what will occur: There will be a cruel and nasty act of the nature.
Once they see a foreign person, their primitive thoughts come up and they start to hate and dislike without any actual reason. Whose fault is this hate? Is the fault of the ones who are afraid.
The ice blocks that usually break off during the summer started already to break off in spring due to the Global warming. The glaciers in general were loosing volume as we were told and as we could see.
Once they see a foreign person, their primitive thoughts come up and they start to hate and dislike without any actual reason. Whose fault is this hate? Is the fault of the ones who are afraid.
The ice blocks that usually break off during the summer started already to break off in spring due to the Global warming. The glaciers in general were loosing volume as we were told and as we could see.