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Translation of extintor

el extintor     the extinguisher    

Translation by Vocabulix


I am hungry for some news and pictures. How is life in New York? Like in the movies? If so, do you have an extra room for a week or two? Michelle, Charlie and I returned from Italy after having a great vacation.
They wanted to know everything about relationships in Switzerland. One of the asked me of how guys propose friendships to girls. I did not know what she meant and explained that we were very informal.
After the bar we sailed back with the ferry to the other side, the side of the financial district, because there were some Halloween parties in the different bars at the Lan Kwai Fong street.
Most common translations: excitado    estremecer    estabilizar    espada    escanear    entrenador    enfrente de    en absoluto    emancipar    ecologista