Spanish Dictionary

Translation of del

del     from the; of the

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
El agrimensor tomó las medidas del terreno donde se construirá la casa.

The surveyor has measured the land on which the house will be built.
El río Meno es afluente del río Rin. The Main River is a tributary of the Rhine River.
Es afiliado del club pero no concurre mucho. He is a member of the club, but he does not attend very often.
alrededor del mundo around the world
Irlanda del Norte Northern Ireland
la calidad del aire air quality(1)
el caballito del diablo dragon fly
la banqueta del piano piano bench
el numero del vuelo flight number
del país of the country
el medidor del gas gas meter
la Piedra del Sol SUN Stone

Since my wife is pregnant, we must postpone the trip until tomorrow. I am back again in Poland in June and then I would be very happy to meet you. I will email the exact dates a little later.
We will soon improve our page about language schools, cause we believe that learning with other students in other countries is a great a experience that you will never forget and it helps your language skills.
So this is my last week here in Germany, then it's back to Italy. I'm not sure if I will return soon. But I am longing for friends and family. I will certainly return one day, that is sure.
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