Spanish Dictionary

Translation of captar

captar     to capture    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Ella le dio a Walter una indirecta sutil de que estaba dispuesta a salir con él, pero él no la captó.

She gave Walter a subtle hint that she was willing to date him, but he didn't get it.
captar to catch on

I came on time and two hours later I arrived at Tuxla Gutieres. I was always suspicious here and I never knew whom to trust. Somehow I got to the airport a few hours too early but this is better.
On Friday, I can send it from the US. But I would send it from here with EMS or even better with UPS, including delivery confirmation and tracking. From the US there will be no return address or tracking.
I am glad for your help. I am sending you additional codes in the attachment. Please remove all codes that are without mistakes from the document and leave just the codes where you made changes.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of captar
capto  captas  capta  captamos  captáis  captan  captaba  captabas  captaba  captábamos  captabais  captaban  capté  captaste  captó  captamos  captasteis  captaron  captaré  captarás  captará  captaremos  captaréis  captarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of capture   [ captured, captured ]