Spanish Dictionary

Translation of cancelar

cancelar     to cancel    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Tengo que cancelar nuestra cita, porque hoy voy a trabajar hasta tarde.

I have to cancel our date because I will work late today.
cancelar afzeggen (INF)
cancelar cancel

I came on time and two hours later I arrived at Tuxla Gutieres. I was always suspicious here and I never knew whom to trust. Somehow I got to the airport a few hours too early but this is better.
Do you need a company that makes a complete Due Diligence or only the Technical claims and IP Due Diligence? I can give you the reference of a prominent law firm in the field of patents and copyrights.
Our website is free, so we simply do not have the financial means to show the English instructions to a professional translator. We showed the vocabulary lists to our translators and concentrated on the content
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of cancelar
cancelo  cancelas  cancela  cancelamos  canceláis  cancelan  cancelaba  cancelabas  cancelaba  cancelábamos  cancelabais  cancelaban  cancelé  cancelaste  canceló  cancelamos  cancelasteis  cancelaron  cancelaré  cancelarás  cancelará  cancelaremos  cancelaréis  cancelarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of cancel   [ canceled, canceled ]