Spanish Dictionary

Translation of amotinar

amotinar     to incite    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Amotinó a los presos contra los guardias.

He incited the prisoners to mutiny against the wardens.

The voyage ended finally. I packed my stuffed at around eight o'clock and hurried to the bus-terminal. I had little time left and was afraid that I would miss it and that I had to take the next one.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of amotinar
amotino  amotinas  amotina  amotinamos  amotináis  amotinan  amotinaba  amotinabas  amotinaba  amotinábamos  amotinabais  amotinaban  amotiné  amotinaste  amotinó  amotinamos  amotinasteis  amotinaron  amotinaré  amotinarás  amotinará  amotinaremos  amotinaréis  amotinarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of incite   [ incited, incited ]