Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: Los antiguos romanos construyeron acueductos en toda Europa, muchos de los cuales permanecen en pie. |
Ancient Romans built aqueducts all over Europe, many of which remain standing. |

Your surroundings will ask a lot of questions and will try to find out more about your financial situation. They are all cowards and I would not listen to them. Listen to people that you really trust.
On the other hand, the man is completely egotistical. All he wants is to have a sexual relationship which is not disturbed by the pregnancy. He tell her different romantic sentences to win her heart.
We left and went back to the boat which took us back to the big vessel. We started our journey back to the main land. It was already late and from the main land, it was still a four hour drive back.
On the other hand, the man is completely egotistical. All he wants is to have a sexual relationship which is not disturbed by the pregnancy. He tell her different romantic sentences to win her heart.
We left and went back to the boat which took us back to the big vessel. We started our journey back to the main land. It was already late and from the main land, it was still a four hour drive back.