Spanish Dictionary

Translation of valuable in Spanish

valuable      valioso     

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Her jewelry is very valuable.

Sus joyas son muy valiosas.
The gems of Queen Elizabeth's crown are very valuable. Las gemas de corona de la reina Isabel son muy valiosas.
She has her valuables in her bank vault. Ella tiene sus objetos de valor en la bóveda del banco.

Anyway you let me know...the rest of the days I will be busy with the course. I am Italian but I live in Wien, Austria. I have not heard back from you since I sent you a message. Do you still want to chat my friend?
I was very busy during the last month. I had to write some letters to find a new job. Thanks for your message yesterday evening! Where do you life in the USA? I have never been there, not yet, buy I will one day.
Spain seems do be doing much better since the 1970. It is completely democratic now. At work I have a lot of meetings with International companies and therefore I want to know many languages.
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