Spanish Dictionary

Translation of tartar in Spanish

the tartar     el sarro    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The dentist told her that she had a lot of tartar on her teeth.

El dentista le dijo que ella tenía mucho sarro en los dientes.

You can stay at my place as much as you like, and it does not cause me any trouble. I love guests. Cool, I guess, and sorry I didn't get back to you in time due to tight schedule. Hope to hear from you soon, best regards from NYC in the US.
At exactly seven thirty Simathay appeared in the lobby. He seemed ready to move but we were not yet. In the end he pushed us to hurry up to avoid the crowds at the gate so that we left immediately.
We asked for the price and were surprised to hear it: A hundred dollars a night. We were actually happy to hear the high price because we knew that if we would not find anything else there was still a good place to stay in.
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