Spanish Dictionary

Translation of muchos

muchos     many    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
El mundo está en peligro porque muchos países tienen bombas nucleares.

The world is in danger because many countries have nukes.
El señor feudal tenía un gran castillo y muchos vasallos. The feudal lord had a big castle and many lieges.
Muchos edificios de Londres fueron destruidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Many London buildings were destructed during World War II.
libros; muchos libros books; lots of books

The mothers of my girlfriends were so insulted when I never wanted to eat their food. I mean, in the beginning they liked me, but once the saw my eating habits everything changed. I guess I blew it.
My experience at Vocabulix has been great. I really think that this site has helped me a lot in improving my Spanish language skills. I believe that I could learn here several other languages.
We had to be careful of not falling into the water. We rowed for about an hour and we got tired pretty easily. Especially the other man and woman looked devastated, at the limit of their physical capabilities.
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