German Dictionary

Translation of vocabulary in German

vocabulary     Vokabeln
the vocabulary      der Wortschatz 
the vocabulary     das Vokabular; die Vokabel

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
As an interpreter it is useful to have a broad spectrum of vocabulary across all areas.

Als Dolmetscher ist es nützlich ein breites Spektrum von Vokabular in allen Gebieten zu haben.
an extensive vocabulary ein umfangreiches Vokabular
vocabulary Vokabeln, Wortschatz(1)
vocabulary notebook Vokabelheft
vocabulary Wortschatz, Vokabeln
vocabulary (der) Wortschatz
vocabulary wortschatz

I would like to have you as my good friend and maybe we can go to places in the near future, and maybe we will travel together to China as well one day (if you wish to go there). Tell me more about yourself as I will love to know about you.
Did you receive my email? Are you going to call me back and help me? Would you be able to help me?? Please? Your English very is very well already. I will correct you if you make any spelling mistakes.
The American girls came with T-shirt and sandals, not exactly the right equipment for a trip 5000 meter over sea level and minus 10 degrees outside temperature during the day. Anyway, the landscape was fantastic.
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