German Dictionary

Translation of extract in German

to extract     extrahieren; ziehen
to extract     entnehmen
the extract     der Auszug
the extract     der Extrakt

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The carafe contained an aromatic liquid with herbal extracts.

Die Wasserflasche enthielt eine aromatische Flüssigkeit mit Kräuterextrakten.
plant extract Pflanzenauszug
extract Auszug; Extrakt
extract (from) Auszug
extract Ausschnitt

The places we have been to were very different from the one we saw in the other country. It looked less poor and much more orgnaized although not every one could tell the difference. Funny.
I took her down to the bathroom, and her pants and shoes were full of vomit. We were sure that it was not alcohol, but that there was something wrong with the food we had at this "nice" restaurant.
One hour later, at sun set, we overflew the amazing Misti volcano which is located right above Arequipa. The mountain had a golden glow and its view was breathtaking.
Most common translations: flamethrower    gas station    grilled    highlighter    increase    ketchup    like that    mean something    municipality    occasion   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of extract   [ extracted, extracted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of entnehmen
entnehme  entnimmst  entnimmt  entnehmen  entnehmt  entnehmen  entnahm  entnahmst  entnahm  entnahmen  entnahmt  entnahmen     
Conjugation of ziehen
ziehe  ziehst  zieht  ziehen  zieht  ziehen  zog  zogst  zog  zogen  zogt  zogen