German Dictionary

Translation of Weltraum

der Weltraum the space    

Translation by Vocabulix


Weltraum; Weltall space
hier: Weltraum space
hier:Weltraum space
Weltraum- space-age
weltraum space

I was wondering whether such a technology is suitable for your home. I would like to meet you in person and explain you a little more about the implementation, the advantages and the drawbacks.
Did you hear about the earthquake this morning in Greece. This is really terrible, I think that quite a few viligars lost their lifes and many more lost their homes. I am really sad for all of them.
Luckily for him, his wife stood by him and explained that he was clumsy and that would happen to him all the time. Anyway, it none of our business. We all had dinner afterwards and went to sleep.
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