German Dictionary

Schrecklich in English

schrecklich  terrible     
schrecklich horrible    
schrecklich awful    ; horrific    ; dire    ; formidable    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Das schreckliche Schicksal des Älterwerdens ist etwas, an das wir alle uns gewöhnen müssen.

The awful fate of getting old is something we all have to get used to.
Es ist eine schreckliche Situation für die hungrige Bevölkerung Nordkoreas. It is a dire situation for the starving citizens of North Korea.
Fürchterlich; schrecklich horrible; >> terrible; >> awful
Furcht ergreifend; schrecklich terrifying; very fightening
fürchterlich; schrecklich; entsetzlich appalling

I love it during vacation and being in the mountains. There it is like being in a dreamland. Everything is covered with snow and is bright and white. You get up at eight in the morning for breakfast.
In the following pages I would like to talk about a topic which should concern everyone of us. It is a delicate topic which has been present as long as human beings have existed and it will last forever.
We stayed there for a few hours observing the hugh ice blocks breaking off and falling into the icy waters leaving a water splash of over 100 meters. Each splash was followed by a dull thunder.
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