German Dictionary

Translation of Schnüffler

der Schnüffler the snooper    ; the snuffler    

Translation by Vocabulix


Schnüffler sleuth

Let's not forget how we started. We were writing each other very long messages and today we are both much more fluent in both languages. No book could have brought us that far. Cheers.
I will be here for another 3 hours, then about 2 hours offline and then again online until late. So the exception is in Spain, cause formal is usually vos/ustedes even when we speak to 1 person. They also jump to the third person singular.
Yes, come to Switzerland. May I ask if you have friends here? Pity that Geneva is so far away from Zurich, about 3 hours by train. If you have the time you need to visit me. We have a great lake.
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