German Dictionary

Translation of boykottieren

boykottieren to boycott    

Translation by Vocabulix


The Institute is using the technology with great success, in the departments that I mentioned to you on the phone. Several universities in Europe are also testing it, but we cannot publish that.
If that gets out of control (riots or support for radicals), there may flourish a steady ground on which the mentioned could reoccur. Then after a while this turns to be nationalism on a larger scale.
Now it shows the hand and when you stand on the image with the mouse you receive an indication as well: 'Spanish Club - Property in Spain'. If the issue is still not resolved, I will try something else.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of boykottieren
boykottiere  boykottierst  boykottiert  boykottieren  boykottiert  boykottieren  boykottierte  boykottiertest  boykottierte  boykottierten  boykottiertet  boykottierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of boycott   [ boycotted, boycotted ]