Verb conjugation of "zumachen" in German

Conjugate the verb zumachen:

ich mache zu
du machst zu

er machte zu
wir haben zugemacht

ihr werdet zumachen


sie würden zumachen



Verb drill 'zumachen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of zumachen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
zunehmen   zuordnen   zupfen   zurückgeben   zurückgreifen   zurückhalten  

mache zu
machst zu
macht zu
machen zu
macht zu
machen zu


machte zu
machtest zu
machte zu
machten zu
machtet zu
machten zu

My name is Maria. I am 66 years old. I live in Barcelona (the capital of Catalunia) with my husband and my children. But I think my children will soon move out and live by themselves.
I am sending you my e-mail address. Then I can write in German and send it to you faster. Please send me pictures of your children. I love little kids, they are always so sweet and innocent.
Which region in Germany are you from? I live in Aarau in the state of Argau, that is in the middle of Switzerland not far from Zurich, Lake Zurich and near the border city of Basel.