Verb conjugation of "festnehmen" in German
Conjugate the verb festnehmen:
ich nehme fest
du nimmst fest
ich nehme fest
du nimmst fest
er nahm fest
wir haben festgenommen
er nahm fest
wir haben festgenommen
ihr werdet festnehmen
ihr werdet festnehmen
sie würden festnehmen
sie würden festnehmen
Check out the Translation of festnehmen in German-English in our German Dictionary
nehme fest
nimmst fest
nimmt fest
nehmen fest
nehmt fest
nehmen fest
nahm fest
nahmst fest
nahm fest
nahmen fest
nahmt fest
nahmen fest
![]() | Do you think it would be good to put a regional box near each translation [optional of course]? That means a translator can check countries if it is only used there. Regional differences appear in all languages. Today the temperature rose above 30 degrees Celsius and we don't have an air condition at the office which means that working is almost impossible. Rick told all his employees to go home or to the beach and work in the evening. My problem never was the writing part, but I did not have the courage to speak. When I did not get further, I had to use my hands and feet to communicate, which always seems a little stupid. |
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