English-German Lesson 'Visual 2'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=Hear Pronunciation

English German
the bathroom das Badezimmer
the snow der Schnee
the window das Fenster
the door die Türe
the thief der Dieb
the night die Nacht
the coffee der Kaffee
the bread das Brot
the beach der Strand
the cake der Kuchen
the eye das Auge
the foot der Fuß
the hand die Hand
the finger der Finger
the sweater der Pulli
the radio das Radio
the ice cream die Eiscreme
the sun die Sonne
the moon der Mond
the milk die Milch
the honey der Honig
the key der Schlüssel
the station die Station
the book das Buch
the bottle die Flasche