All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.
=Hear Pronunciation
the mountain
der Berg
the valley
das Tal
the sea
das Meer
the sun
die Sonne
the weather Sample Sentence: the weather forecast
das Wetter Sample Sentence: die Wettervorhersage
the tree
der Baum
the flower
die Blume
the lake
der See
the nature
die Natur
the water Sample Sentence: to drink water
das Wasser Sample Sentence: Wasser trinken
the river
der Fluss
the cloud
die Wolke
the garden
der Garten
the rain
der Regen
the beach
der Strand
the sand
der Sand
the stone
der Stein
the cliff
der Felsen
the plant
die Pflanze
the animal
das Tier
the moon
der Mond
the sky
der Himmel
the earth
die Erde
the landscape
die Landschaft
the field
das Feld