English-German Lesson '010'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=Hear Pronunciation

English German
the text pronunciation der Text
the idea pronounce vocabulary die Idee
the month audio der Monat
hard online sound hart
the west speak der Westen
the beach free der Strand
the people pronunciation die Leute
the cake pronounce vocabulary der Kuchen
the eye audio das Auge
the belly online sound der Bauch
the train speak der Zug
the ice cream free die Eiscreme
the radio  das Radio
then  dann
the room 
Sample Sentence: How many rooms does this hotel have?
das Zimmer
Sample Sentence: Wieviele Zimmer hat dieses Hotel?
to sing  singen
Sample Sentence: Let's drink beer. Cheers!
Sample Sentence: Lass uns Bier trinken. Prost!
the surprise  die Überraschung
the bank  die Bank
Sample Sentence: Sometimes it even rains in the desert.
Sample Sentence: Manchmal regnet es sogar in der Wüste.
the day  der Tag
the sun  die Sonne
to call  anrufen
Sample Sentence: His reactions are very quick.
Sample Sentence: Seine Reaktionen sind sehr schnell.
possible  möglich